employee rights

Top 5 Employee Rights You Every worker Should Know


Employee Rights Every worker Should Know: Do you know a vast percentage of employees do not know their rights even after working for their employers for half a decade? The same goes for human rights. It’s sad but that is the real truth. 

Many employers have gone scot-free on abuse and assault on their employees. You will have an upper hand if you know about employment law at your working place. Employers can be behind bars if you’re fully aware of your rights. 

Knowing your rights as an employee helps you keep a balance at your working place. If you haven’t asked yourself about your rights as a worker, well today is your lucky day. We’ll be discussing the top 5 employees’ rights in the workplace.


Employees have the following general rights

  • Not to be unfairly dismissed or discriminated against
  • To be provided with appropriate resources and equipment
  • To have safe working conditions
  • To receive the agreed remuneration on the agreed date and time
  • To receive fair labor practices
  • To be treated with dignity and respect
  • To non-victimization in claiming rights and using procedures
  • To leave benefits and other basic conditions of employment as stipulated in the BCEA.

Employee rights and workplace regulations

Privacy Rights

All workers have the right to a personal space at their workplace. Their possessions must be considered private, their phones, purses, and lockers at the workplace. Employers, on the other hand, have the right to monitor work-provided accessories, emails, and internet usage used by their workers at work but not their possessions. An employee has a right to privacy, and employers cannot search their personal property without their consent.

Employees must understand that they are not allowed to do other personal-related activities during their work hours. Monitoring employees’ internet activities during work hours is legal. 

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Harassment and Discrimination Free

Employees have the right not to be harassed or discriminated against (treated less favorably) because employers are required to put in place policies that will protect employees from any form of harassment on race, color, religion, gender (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), marriage or civil partnership national, social origin, disability, genetic disorder (including family medical history). 

Companies and employers are urged to put in place policies or worker protection laws that will create harassment and discrimination-free environment for all their employees. 

Accommodations (Employees with Disabilities)

Receive reasonable accommodations (changes to the way things are normally done at work) that are needed because of their medical conditions, Why? This is required so that they can work comfortably in the environment. Be aware that the accommodations do not exclude other workers, but should be done so if need be. 


Medical, Family, and Annual Leave

Expect that any medical information or genetic information that they share with their employer will be kept confidential. As well as urgent medical or family emergency leave must also be considered by employers. 

In general, qualifying conditions would be an incapacitating illness, a condition requiring hospitalization, and childbirth. The amount of time an employee can get for family leave varies from country to country, and so do the conditions of these leave periods. Some countries offer a paid leave of up to six months, or even a year, while others can only grant unpaid leave.

Employers should also add paid-off bonuses, and other bonus packages should be as an added advantage to employees’ rights.

Every worker has the right to make a complaint to a trade union representative, a trade union official, or a Labour inspector concerning any alleged failure or refusal by an employer to comply with this act.  Workers’ rights are important as well as employers’ rights. 

Employee rights when accused of theft

If an employee is accused of theft, they have several rights that are protected by the law. Here are some of the key rights that an accused employee has:

Presumption of innocence: The accused employee is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is a fundamental principle of most legal systems.

Due process: The accused employee has the right to a fair and impartial investigation. This includes the right to be informed of the allegations against them, to present evidence in their defense, and to have a hearing or opportunity to respond to the allegations.

Legal representation: The accused employee has the right to hire an attorney to represent them in the investigation and any subsequent legal proceedings.

Right to appeal: If the accused employee is found guilty, they have the right to appeal the decision and have their case reviewed by a higher authority.

These factors are designed to protect the rights of the accused employee and ensure that they are treated fairly throughout the investigation and any subsequent legal proceedings. 

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To create an avenue for awareness of employees knowing their rights, their employers must add those rights to their code of conduct. Or there should be one-day training for employees and employers right in any organization once a month. 

It’s important to note that the specific rights an employee has may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the terms of their employment contract or collective bargaining agreement.


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